RaMiX on Testnet

You can run your RaMiX node on testnet to develop and experiment with new applications, without putting real money at risk. This bonus guide highlights all configuration changes compared to the main guide.

Difficulty: Medium


Running a testnet node is a great way to get acquainted with the RaMiX and the suite of Bitcoin-related software typical of these powerful setups. Moreover, testnet empowers users to tinker with the software and its many configurations without the threat of losing funds. Helping Bitcoiners run a full testnet setup is a goal worthy of the RaMiX, and this page should provide you with the knowledge to get there.

The great news is that most of the RaMiX guide can be used as-is. The small adjustments come in the form of changes to the config files and ports for testnet. You can follow the guide and replace the following configurations in the right places as you go.


For the moment, this guide will touch only the case of an only testnet mode situation, in the future, we will study adding the case of configuration to enable the parallel/simultaneous mode (mainnet+testnet in the same device) in an extra section in this guide.

The services mentioned in this guide are those that have been tested using testnet configuration and these worked fine. Later, in the next versions of this guide, we will go to adding other process to adapt other services to the testnet mode.


nano /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
## Replace the parameter
startupnotify=chmod g+r /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/testnet3/.cookie
## Add the parameter
  • When you finish the Running Bitcoin section, with the user admin provide read and execute permissions to the Bitcoin group for the testnet folder

sudo chmod g+rx /data/bitcoin/testnet3

Attention: the step before is critical**!** to allow the Bitcoin Core dependencies to access the .cookie file and startup without problems

The rest of the Bitcoin client guide is the same as the mainnet mode

Follow the complete Electrum server guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the "Configure Firewall" section:

Configure Firewall

  • Replace the next lines to 60001/60002 ports, to match with the Testnet mode

sudo ufw allow 60001/tcp comment 'allow Fulcrum Testnet TCP from anywhere'
sudo ufw allow 60002/tcp comment 'allow Fulcrum Testnet SSL from anywhere'
  • When you arrive at the "Data directory" section, on the _"Download the custom Fulcrum banner based on RaMiX ..." step, d_ownload the Fulcrum testnet banner instead of the mainnet banner

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minibolt-guide/minibolt/main/resources/fulcrum-banner-testnet.txt


  • In the next Configuration step, stay tuned to replace the next lines on the fulcrum.conf file, to match with the testnet mode

nano /data/fulcrum/fulcrum.conf
# Bitcoin Core settings
bitcoind =
rpccookie = /data/bitcoin/testnet3/.cookie

# Fulcrum server general settings
ssl =
tcp =

# Banner
banner = /data/fulcrum/fulcrum-banner-testnet.txt

Remote access over Tor

sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
  • Replace ports to 60001/60002 to match with testnet mode

############### This section is just for location-hidden services ###
# Hidden Service Fulcrum Testnet TCP & SSL
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_fulcrum_testnet_tcp_ssl/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
HiddenServicePort 60001
HiddenServicePort 60002
  • Reload the Tor configuration and get your connection addresses

sudo systemctl reload tor
sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_fulcrum_testnet_tcp_ssl/hostname

Example of expected output:


You should now be able to connect to your Fulcrum server remotely via Tor using your hostname and port 60001 (TCP) or 60002 (SSL)

The rest of the Fulcrum guide is the same as the mainnet mode

  • Follow the complete guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the Configuration section, set the next lines with the next values instead of the existing ones for mainnet. Edit .env file

nano /home/btcrpcexplorer/btc-rpc-explorer/.env

The rest of the BTC RPC Explorer guide is the same as the mainnet mode


  • Follow the complete guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the Configuration section, edit lnd.conf

nano /data/lnd/lnd.conf
  • Replace the parameter bitcoin.mainnet=true with the bitcoin.testnet=true to enable LND in testnet mode


If you use Ordirespector on testnet, add the next lines at the end of the file:

# Use external fee estimator
  • When you arrive at the Create systemd service section, edit the lnd.service file and replace ExecStop parameter to this

ExecStop=/usr/local/bin/lncli --network=testnet stop

When you arrive at the Watchtower client section, keep in mind that the Watchtower server suggested won't work with the LND testnet, same with the LND mainnet peer suggested to open the channel and send a payment

Interacting with the LND daemon

  • Note that when interacting with the LND daemon, you'll need to use the "--network testnet" flag. Example:

lncli --network=testnet --tlscertpath /data/lnd/tls.cert.tmp create

Note that it has a list of testnet aliases related to these commonly used commands to make it easier to introduce in the terminal. Follow the "Aliases bonus guide" to install it

The rest of the Lightning Client guide is the same as the mainnet mode

  • Follow the complete guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the "Create script" section, create the script

sudo nano /usr/local/bin/scb-backup --linenumbers
  • Replace the line 18 in the script to match with the testnet path


If you have a mainnet node running on another device and you want to use the same GitHub account for the testnet channel backups:

  • Change this line on the script to this for example: REMOTE_BACKUP_DIR="/data/lnd/remote-lnd-testnet-backup"

  • When you arrive at the "Create a GitHub repository" section, change the name of the GitHub repo to for example: "remote-lnd-testnet-backup"

  • When you arrive at the "Clone the repository to your node" section, replace the command with: git clone [email protected]:<YourGitHubUsername>/remote-lnd-testnet-backup.git

  • When you arrive at the "GitHub test" section, replace the command to: cd remote-lnd-testnet-backup

The rest of the Channel Backup guide is the same as the mainnet mode

  • Follow the complete guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the Configuration section, replace the next parameter to match with the testnet mode on the .env.local file

  • And replace the next parameter on the thubConfig.yaml file

macaroonPath: /data/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet/admin.macaroon

The rest of the Web app: Thunderhub is the same as the mainnet mode

  • Follow the complete guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the Create a lndconnect QR code section, modify the "lndconnect" command to match with the next

For example, to generate a QR code for a Wireguard VPN connection, enter this command:

lndconnect --host= --port=8080 --bitcoin.testnet --adminmacaroonpath=/home/admin/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/testnet/admin.macaroon --nocert

Be careful to add --nocert parameter only to the onion and Wireguard VPN network, the local network could be shared with more devices and you should use a valid certificate to encrypt the connection, so don't add that parameter in this case

Bonus section

Bitcoin: Electrs

Follow the complete guide from the beginning, when you arrive at the Reverse proxy & Firewall section, follow the next steps:

  • Configure the Firewall to allow incoming requests

sudo ufw allow 60022/tcp comment 'allow Electrs SSL from anywhere'
sudo ufw allow 60021/tcp comment 'allow Electrs TCP from anywhere'
  • Create the electrs-reverse-proxy.conf file

sudo nano /etc/nginx/streams-enabled/electrs-reverse-proxy.conf
  • Replace the mainnet ports 50021/50022 with the 60021/60022 testnet ports

upstream electrs {
server {
  listen 60022 ssl;
  proxy_pass electrs;
  • Test and reload Nginx configuration

sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl reload nginx


  • When you arrive at the Configuration section, replace it with the next lines

nano /data/electrs/electrs.conf
# RaMiX: electrs testnet configuration
# /data/electrs/electrs.conf

# Bitcoin Core settings
network = "testnet"
cookie_file = "/data/bitcoin/testnet3/.cookie"

# Electrs settings
electrum_rpc_addr = ""
server_banner = "Welcome to electrs (Electrum Rust Server) running on a RaMiX node Testnet!"

Remote access over Tor

sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
  • Edit the torrc file and replace ports to 60021/60022 to match with testnet mode

# Hidden Service Electrs Testnet TCP & SSL
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_electrs_testnet_tcp_ssl/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
HiddenServicePort 60021
HiddenServicePort 60022
  • Reload the Tor configuration and get your connection addresses

sudo systemctl reload tor
sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_electrs_testnet_tcp_ssl/hostname

Example of expected output:


The rest of the Channel Backup guide is the same as the mainnet mode

Port reference

Here we are going to describe only what ports differ from the mainnet mode:

Last updated