BTCPay Server

BTCPay Server is a free, open-source, and self-hosted Bitcoin payment gateway, which means developers and security auditors can always inspect the code for quality. It enables individuals and businesses to accept Bitcoin payments online or in person without any fees, offering self-sovereignty in the process.

Difficulty: Hard

BTCPay Server is a self-hosted and automated invoicing system. At checkout, a customer is presented with an invoice that they pay from their wallet. BTCPay Server follows the status of the invoice through the blockchain and informs you when the payment has been settled so that you can fulfill the order. It also takes care of payment refunding and bitcoin management alongside plenty of other features.

More information can be found in its documentation, and stay tuned for news on its blog



To run the BTCPay Server you will need to install .NET Core SDK, PostgreSQL, and NBXplorer


  • Configure the Firewall to allow incoming HTTP requests

sudo ufw allow 23000/tcp comment 'allow BTCPay Server from anywhere'

Expected output

Rule added
Rule added (v6)

Create the btcpay user & group

We do not want to run BTCPay Server and other related services alongside other services due to security reasons. Therefore, we will create a separate user and run the code under the new user's account.

  • With user admin, create a new user called btcpay

sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" btcpay
  • Add btcpay user to the bitcoin and lnd groups

sudo usermod -a -G bitcoin,lnd btcpay

Install .NET Core SDK

  • With user admin, change to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • We will use the scripted install mode. Download the script

  • Before running this script, you'll need to grant permission for this script to run as an executable

chmod +x ./
  • Set environment variable version

  • Install .NET Core SDK

./ --channel $VERSION
Example of expected output ⬇️
dotnet-install: Attempting to download using link
dotnet-install: Remote file size is 186250370 bytes.
dotnet-install: Extracting zip from
dotnet-install: Downloaded file size is 186250370 bytes.
dotnet-install: The remote and local file sizes are equal.
dotnet-install: Installed version is 6.0.417
dotnet-install: Adding to current process PATH: `/home/btcpay/.dotnet`. Note: This change will be visible only when sourcing script.
dotnet-install: Note that the script does not resolve dependencies during installation.
dotnet-install: To check the list of dependencies, go to, select your operating system and check the "Dependencies" section.
dotnet-install: Installation finished successfully.
  • Add path to dotnet executable

echo 'export DOTNET_ROOT=$HOME/.dotnet' >>~/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet:$HOME/.dotnet/tools' >>~/.bashrc

(Optional) To improve your privacy, disable the .NET Core SDK telemetry

echo 'export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
  • Check .NET SDK is correctly installed

dotnet --version

Example of expected output:

  • Delete the installation script

  • Come back to the "admin" user


Install PostgreSQL

  • With user admin, check if you have already installed PostgreSQL

psql -V

Example of expected output:

psql (PostgreSQL) 16.3 (Ubuntu 16.3-1.pgdg22.04+1)

If PostgreSQL is not installed (output: Command 'psql' not found), follow this PostgreSQL guide to install it

Create PostgreSQL databases

  • With user admin, create a new database for NBXplorer with the postgres user and assign the user admin as the owner

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE nbxplorer TEMPLATE 'template0' LC_CTYPE 'C' LC_COLLATE 'C' ENCODING 'UTF8' OWNER admin;"
  • Create a new database for BTCPay Server with the postgres user and assign the user admin as the owner

sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE DATABASE btcpay TEMPLATE 'template0' LC_CTYPE 'C' LC_COLLATE 'C' ENCODING 'UTF8' OWNER admin;"

Installation, Configuration & Run

Install NBXplorer

NBXplorer is a minimalist UTXO tracker for HD Wallets, used by BTCPay Server

  • With user admin, switch to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • Create a src directory and enter the folder

mkdir src && cd src
  • Set the environment variable version

  • Download the NBXplorer source code and enter the folder

git clone --branch v$VERSION
Example of expected output ⬇️
Cloning into 'btcpayserver'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 75078, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2765/2765), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1249/1249), done.
remote: Total 75078 (delta 1834), reused 2203 (delta 1485), pack-reused 72313
Receiving objects: 100% (75078/75078), 51.55 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (58704/58704), done.
Note: switching to 'a921504bcf619c5e845813b8f994b39147694a97'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
cd NBXplorer
  • Modify NBXplorer run script

  • Comment existing line

#dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release --project "NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj" -- $@
  • Add the next line below. Save and exit

/home/btcpay/.dotnet/dotnet run --no-launch-profile --no-build -c Release --project "NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj" -- $@
  • Modify NBXplorer build script

  • Comment next line

#dotnet build -c Release NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj
  • Add the next line below. Save and exit

/home/btcpay/.dotnet/dotnet build -c Release NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj
  • Build NBXplorer

Example of expected output ⬇️
Welcome to .NET 8.0!
SDK Version: 8.0.100

Installed an ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate.
To trust the certificate, view the instructions:

Write your first app:
Find out what's new:
Explore documentation:
Report issues and find source on GitHub:
Use 'dotnet --help' to see available commands or visit:
MSBuild version 17.8.3+195e7f5a3 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.Client/NBXplorer.Client.csproj (in 30.33 sec).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj (in 30.35 sec).
  NBXplorer.Client -> /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.Client/bin/Release/netstandard2.1/NBXplorer.Client.dll
  NBXplorer -> /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/bin/Release/net8.0/NBXplorer.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:41.43
  • Check the correct installation

head -n 6 /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj | grep Version

Example of expected output:

  • Create the data folder and navigate to it

mkdir -p ~/.nbxplorer/Main
cd ~/.nbxplorer/Main
  • Create a new config file

nano settings.config

NBXplorer configuration

  • Add the entire next lines. Save and exit

# RaMiX: nbxplorer configuration
# /home/btcpay/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config

# Bitcoind connection

# Database
postgres=User ID=admin;Password=admin;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=nbxplorer;
  • Go back to the admin user


Create NBXplorer systemd service

  • As user admin, create the service file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/nbxplorer.service
  • Paste the following configuration. Save and exit

# RaMiX: systemd unit for NBXplorer
# /etc/systemd/system/nbxplorer.service

Requires=bitcoind.service postgresql.service
After=bitcoind.service postgresql.service



# Process management

# Hardening Measures

  • Enable autoboot (optional)

sudo systemctl enable nbxplorer
  • Prepare nbxplorer monitoring by the systemd journal and checking the logging output. You can exit monitoring at any time with Ctrl-C

journalctl -fu nbxplorer

Keep this terminal open, you'll need to come back here on the next step to monitor the logs

Running NBXplorer

To keep an eye on the software movements, start your SSH program (eg. PuTTY) a second time, connect to the RaMiX node, and log in as "admin"

  • With user admin, start the nbxplorer service

sudo systemctl start nbxplorer
Example of expected output on the first terminal with journalctl -fu nbxplorer ⬇️
Jul 05 17:50:20 ramix systemd[1]: Started NBXplorer daemon.
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  Data Directory: /home/btcpay/.nbxplorer/Main
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  Configuration File: /home/btcpay/.nbxplorer/Main/settings.config
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  DBCache: 50 MB
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: Configuration:  DBCache: 50 MB
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Postgres services activated
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 001.Migrations...
Jul 05 17:50:21 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 002.Model...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 003.Legacy...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 004.Fixup...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 005.ToBTCFix...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 006.GetWalletsRecent2...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 007.FasterSaveMatches...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 008.FasterGetUnused...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 009.FasterGetUnused2...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 010.ChangeEventsIdType...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 011.FixGetWalletsRecent...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 012.PerfFixGetWalletsRecent...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 013.FixTrackedTransactions...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 014.FixAddressReuse...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.DatabaseSetup: Execute script 015.AvoidWAL...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: TCP Connection succeed, handshaking...
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Handshaked
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Testing RPC connection to http://localhost:8332/
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: Hosting environment: Production
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: Content root path: /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/bin/Release/net6.0/
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: Now listening on:
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: RPC connection successful
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Full node version detected: 250000
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Has txindex support
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: warn: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: BTC: Your NBXplorer server is not whitelisted by your node, you should add "whitelist=" to the configuration file of your node. (Or use whitebind)
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: Node state changed: NotStarted => NBXplorerSynching
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Indexer.BTC: Current Index Progress not found, start syncing from the header's chain tip (At height: 797318)
Jul 05 17:50:22 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: Node state changed: NBXplorerSynching => Ready
Jul 05 17:50:23 ramix[2808966]: info: NBXplorer.Events: BTC: New block 00000000000000000001415583131d3c1da985497830abcf638413226892d4ad (797318)
  • Ensure NBXplorer is running and listening on the default port 24444

sudo ss -tulpn | grep NBXplorer

Expected output:

tcp   LISTEN 0   512*    users:(("NBXplorer",pid=2808966,fd=176))

You have NBxplorer running and prepared for the BTCpay server to use it

Install BTCPay Server

  • Switch to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • Go to the src folder

cd src
  • Set variable environment version

  • Clone the BTCPay Server official GitHub repository

git clone --branch v$VERSION
Example of expected output ⬇️
Cloning into 'btcpayserver'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 75078, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2765/2765), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1249/1249), done.
remote: Total 75078 (delta 1834), reused 2203 (delta 1485), pack-reused 72313
Receiving objects: 100% (75078/75078), 51.55 MiB | 4.86 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (58704/58704), done.
Note: switching to 'a921504bcf619c5e845813b8f994b39147694a97'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
  • Go to the btcpayserver folder

cd btcpayserver
  • Modify BTCPay Server run script

  • Comment next line

#dotnet "BTCPayServer.dll" $@
  • Add the next line below. Save and exit

/home/btcpay/.dotnet/dotnet "BTCPayServer.dll" $@
  • Modify the BTCPay Server build script

  • Comment next line

#dotnet publish --no-cache -o BTCPayServer/bin/Release/publish/ -c Release BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj
  • Add the next line below. Save and exit

/home/btcpay/.dotnet/dotnet publish --no-cache -o BTCPayServer/bin/Release/publish/ -c Release BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj
  • Build BTCPay Server

Example of expected output ⬇️
MSBuild version 17.3.2+561848881 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Rating/BTCPayServer.Rating.csproj (in 32.66 sec).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Data/BTCPayServer.Data.csproj (in 1.41 sec).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Common/BTCPayServer.Common.csproj (in 392 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Client/BTCPayServer.Client.csproj (in 1.1 sec).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Abstractions/BTCPayServer.Abstractions.csproj (in 8 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj (in 36.6 sec).
  BTCPayServer.Common -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Common/bin/Release/net6.0/BTCPayServer.Common.dll
  BTCPayServer.Client -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Client/bin/Release/netstandard2.1/BTCPayServer.Client.dll
  BTCPayServer.Rating -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Rating/bin/Release/net6.0/BTCPayServer.Rating.dll
  BTCPayServer.Abstractions -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Abstractions/bin/Release/net6.0/BTCPayServer.Abstractions.dll
  BTCPayServer.Data -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Data/bin/Release/net6.0/BTCPayServer.Data.dll
/home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/Services/Cheater.cs(37,35): warning CS1998: This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously. Consider using the 'await' operator to await non-blocking API calls, or 'await Task.Run(...)' to do CPU-bound work on a background thread. [/home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj]
  BTCPayServer -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/bin/Release/net6.0/BTCPayServer.dll
  BTCPayServer -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/bin/Release/publish/
  • Check the correct installation

head -n 3 /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/Build/Version.csproj | grep Version

Example of expected output:

  • Create the data folder and enter it

mkdir -p ~/.btcpayserver/Main && cd ~/.btcpayserver/Main

BTCPay Server configuration

  • Create a new config file

nano settings.config
  • Add the complete following lines

# RaMiX: btcpayserver configuration
# /home/btcpay/.btcpayserver/Main/settings.config

# Server settings

# Database
## NBXplorer
explorer.postgres=User ID=admin;Password=admin;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=nbxplorer;
## BTCpay server
postgres=User ID=admin;Password=admin;Host=localhost;Port=5432;Database=btcpay;

If you want to connect your Lightning LND node to BTCpay too, go to the Connect to your LND internal node optional section

  • Go back to the admin user


Create BTCPay Server systemd service

  • As user admin, create the service file

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/btcpay.service
  • Paste the following configuration. Save and exit

# RaMiX: systemd unit for BTCPay Server
# /etc/systemd/system/btcpay.service

Description=BTCPay Server
Requires=nbxplorer.service postgresql.service lnd.service
After=nbxplorer.service postgresql.service lnd.service



# Process management

  • Enable autoboot (optional)

sudo systemctl enable btcpay
  • Prepare btcpay monitoring by the systemd journal and checking the logging output. You can exit monitoring at any time with Ctrl-C

journalctl -fu btcpay

Keep this terminal open, you'll need to come back here on the next step to monitor the logs

Running BTCPay Server

To keep an eye on the software movements, start your SSH program (eg. PuTTY) a second time, connect to the RaMiX node, and log in as admin

sudo systemctl start btcpay
Example of expected output on the first terminal with journalctl -fu btcpay ⬇️
Jul 05 18:01:08 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  Data Directory: /home/btcpay/.btcpayserver/Main
Jul 05 18:01:08 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  Configuration File: /home/btcpay/.btcpayserver/Main/settings.config
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Loading plugins from /home/btcpay/.btcpayserver/Plugins
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer - 1.10.3
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.Shopify - 1.10.3
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.PointOfSale - 1.10.3
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.PayButton - 1.10.3
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.NFC - 1.10.3
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: BTCPayServer.Plugins.PluginManager: Adding and executing plugin BTCPayServer.Plugins.Crowdfund - 1.10.3
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  Supported chains: BTC
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  BTC: Explorer url is
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  BTC: Cookie file is /home/btcpay/.nbxplorer/Main/.cookie
Jul 05 18:01:09 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  Network: Mainnet
Jul 05 18:01:13 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  Root Path: /
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      Checking if any payment arrived on lightning while the server was offline...
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      Processing lightning payments...
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      Starting listening NBXplorer (BTC)
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      Start watching invoices
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      Starting payment request expiration watcher
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      0 pending payment requests being checked since last run
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: Configuration:  Now listening on:
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      BTC: Checking if any pending invoice got paid while offline...
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      BTC: 0 payments happened while offline
Jul 05 18:01:14 ramix[2810276]: info: PayServer:      Connected to WebSocket of NBXplorer (BTC)
  • Ensure the BTCPay Server is running and listening on the default port 23000

sudo ss -tulpn | grep 23000

Expected output:

tcp   LISTEN 0   512*    users:(("dotnet",pid=2811744,fd=320))

Now point your browser, "http://ramix.local:23000" (or your node IP address) like ""

You can now create the first account to access the dashboard using a real (recommended) or a dummy email + password

Congratulations! You now have the amazing BTCPay Server payment processor running

Extras (optional)

Remote access over Tor

You can easily do so by adding a Tor hidden service on the RaMiX and accessing the BTCPay Server with the Tor browser from any device.

  • With the user admin, edit the torrc file

sudo nano +63 /etc/tor/torrc --linenumbers
  • Add the following lines to the location hidden services section, below ## This section is just for location-hidden services ## in the torrc file. Save and exit

# Hidden Service BTCPay Server
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_btcpay/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
HiddenServicePort 80
  • Reload the Tor configuration

sudo systemctl reload tor
  • Get your connection address

sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_btcpay/hostname

Example of expected output:
  • With the Tor browser, you can access this onion address from any device

Connect to your LND internal node

Configure LND

  • Stay logged as admin user, and configure LND to allow LND REST from anywhere editing the lnd.conf file

sudo nano /data/lnd/lnd.conf
  • Add the next line under the [Application Options] section. Save and exit

# Specify all ipv4 interfaces to listen on for REST connections
  • Restart LND to apply changes

sudo systemctl restart lnd
  • Ensure the REST port is now binding to the host instead of

sudo ss -tulpn | grep lnd | grep 8080

Expected output:

tcp   LISTEN 0      4096*    users:(("lnd",pid=774047,fd=32))
  • Stop BTCPay Server before making changes

sudo systemctl stop btcpay

Modify BTCPay Server configuration

  • Change to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • Edit the settings.config file

nano .btcpayserver/Main/settings.config
  • Add the next content to the end of the file. Save and exit

# Lightning internal node connection
  • Go back to the admin user


Modify the BTCPay Server systemd service

  • Modify the next lines of the systemd service file by following this section, adding the lnd.service dependency

Requires=nbxplorer.service lnd.service
After=nbxplorer.service lnd.service
  • Reload the systemd daemon

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start the BTCPay Server again

sudo systemctl start btcpay

Monitor logs with journalctl -fu btcpay to ensure that all is running well


Updating to a new release of BTCPay Server or NBXplorer should be straightforward.

Upgrade .NET Core SDK

  • With user admin, stop BTCPay Server & NBXplorer

sudo systemctl stop btcpay && sudo systemctl stop nbxplorer
  • Change to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • We will use the scripted install mode. Download the script

  • Before running this script, you'll need to grant permission for this script to run as an executable

chmod +x ./
  • Set the new VERSION environment variable, for example, 6.0 -> 8.0

  • Install .NET Core SDK

./ --channel $VERSION
Example of expected output ⬇️
dotnet-install: Attempting to download using link
dotnet-install: Remote file size is 186250370 bytes.
dotnet-install: Extracting zip from
dotnet-install: Downloaded file size is 186250370 bytes.
dotnet-install: The remote and local file sizes are equal.
dotnet-install: Installed version is 6.0.417
dotnet-install: Adding to current process PATH: `/home/btcpay/.dotnet`. Note: This change will be visible only when sourcing script.
dotnet-install: Note that the script does not resolve dependencies during installation.
dotnet-install: To check the list of dependencies, go to, select your operating system and check the "Dependencies" section.
dotnet-install: Installation finished successfully.
  • (Optional) If you haven't done this before, to improve your privacy, disable the .NET Core SDK telemetry

echo 'export DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT=1' >> ~/.bashrc
  • Apply changes

source ~/.bashrc
  • Check the new .NET SDK version has been correctly installed

dotnet --version

Example of expected output:

  • Delete the installation script

  • Exit to return to the admin user


Upgrade NBXplorer

  • With user admin, stop BTCPay Server & NBXplorer

sudo systemctl stop btcpay && sudo systemctl stop nbxplorer
  • Change to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • Enter the src/nbxplorer folder

cd src/NBXplorer
  • Set the environment variable version

  • Fetch the changes of the wish latest tag

git pull v$VERSION

Example of expected output:

 * tag               v2.4.3     -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating c7b5a73..95f28ac
 Dockerfile.linuxamd64                                              |   4 +-
 Dockerfile.linuxarm32v7                                            |   4 +-
 Dockerfile.linuxarm64v8                                            |   4 +-
 NBXplorer.Client/AssetMoney.cs                                     |   1 -

If the prompt shows you "fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'btcpay@ramix.(none)')"⬇️

git config "[email protected]"
git config "RaMiX"

If the prompt shows you this:

hint: You have divergent branches and need to specify how to reconcile them.
hint: You can do so by running one of the following commands sometime before
hint: your next pull:
hint:   git config pull.rebase false  # merge (the default strategy)
hint:   git config pull.rebase true   # rebase
hint:   git config pull.ff only       # fast-forward only
hint: You can replace "git config" with "git config --global" to set a default
hint: preference for all repositories. You can also pass --rebase, --no-rebase,
hint: or --ff-only on the command line to override the configured default per
hint: invocation.

You need to do and exec the before git pull command again:

git config pull.rebase false
  • Press Ctrl+X when the nano automatically opens the MERGE_MSG to no apply modifications

  • Build it

Example of expected output ⬇️
MSBuild version 17.8.3+195e7f5a3 for .NET
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.Client/NBXplorer.Client.csproj (in 2.43 sec).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj (in 2.47 sec).
  NBXplorer.Client -> /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.Client/bin/Release/netstandard2.1/NBXplorer.Client.dll
  NBXplorer -> /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/bin/Release/net8.0/NBXplorer.dll

Build succeeded.
    0 Warning(s)
    0 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:19.80
  • Check the correct installation update

head -n 6 /home/btcpay/src/NBXplorer/NBXplorer/NBXplorer.csproj | grep Version

Example of expected output:

  • Go back to the admin user

  • Start the NBXplorer & BTCPay Server again. Monitor logs with journalctl -fu nbxplorer & journalctl -fu btcpay to ensure that all is running well

sudo systemctl start nbxplorer && sudo systemctl start btcpay

Upgrade BTCPay Server

  • With user admin, stop BTCPay Server

sudo systemctl stop btcpay
  • Change to the btcpay user

sudo su - btcpay
  • Enter the src/btcpayserver folder

cd src/btcpayserver
  • Set the environment variable version

  • Fetch the changes of the latest tag. Press Ctrl+X when the nano automatically opens the MERGE_MSG to apply modifications

git pull v$VERSION

Example of expected output:

 * tag                   v1.12.0    -> FETCH_HEAD
Updating 541cef55b..6ecfe073e
 BTCPayServer.Data/ApplicationDbContext.cs                         |  2 +-
 BTCPayServer.Data/Data/AppData.cs                                 | 10 +++++++++-

If the prompt shows you "fatal: unable to auto-detect email address (got 'btcpay@ramix.(none)')"⬇️

git config "[email protected]"
git config "RaMiX"

If the prompt shows you: fatal: Need to specify how to reconcile divergent branches.⬇️

git config pull.rebase false
  • Build it

Example of expected output ⬇️
  Determining projects to restore...
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Abstractions/BTCPayServer.Abstractions.csproj (in 965 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Client/BTCPayServer.Client.csproj (in 965 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Common/BTCPayServer.Common.csproj (in 978 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Data/BTCPayServer.Data.csproj (in 113 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Rating/BTCPayServer.Rating.csproj (in 178 ms).
  Restored /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/BTCPayServer.csproj (in 1.9 sec).
  BTCPayServer.Client -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Client/bin/Release/netstandard2.1/BTCPayServer.Client.dll
  BTCPayServer.Common -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Common/bin/Release/net8.0/BTCPayServer.Common.dll
  BTCPayServer.Rating -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Rating/bin/Release/net8.0/BTCPayServer.Rating.dll
  BTCPayServer.Abstractions -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Abstractions/bin/Release/net8.0/BTCPayServer.Abstractions.dll
  BTCPayServer.Data -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer.Data/bin/Release/net8.0/BTCPayServer.Data.dll
  BTCPayServer -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/bin/Release/net8.0/BTCPayServer.dll
  BTCPayServer -> /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/BTCPayServer/bin/Release/publish/
  • Check the correct installation update

head -n 3 /home/btcpay/src/btcpayserver/Build/Version.csproj | grep Version

Example of expected output:

  • Go back to the admin user

  • Start the BTCpay server again. Monitor logs with journalctl -fu btcpay to ensure that all is running well

sudo systemctl start btcpay


Uninstall service

  • With user admin, stop btcpay and nbxplorer

sudo systemctl stop btcpay && sudo systemctl stop nbxplorer
  • Disable autoboot (if enabled)

sudo systemctl disable btcpay && sudo systemctl disable nbxplorer
  • Delete btcpay and nbxplorer services

sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/btcpay.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/nbxplorer.service

Delete user & group

  • Delete the btcpay user. Don't worry about userdel: btcpay mail spool (/var/mail/btcpay) not found output, the uninstall has been successful

sudo userdel -rf btcpay

Uninstall Firewall configuration & reverse proxy

  • With the user admin, display the UFW firewall rules, and note the numbers of the rules for BTCPay Server (e.g. X and Y below)

sudo ufw status numbered

Expected output:

[Y] 23000       ALLOW IN    Anywhere          # allow BTCPay Server from anywhere
  • Delete the rule with the correct number and confirm with yes

sudo ufw delete X

Uninstall Tor hidden service

  • With the user admin, edit the torrc file

sudo nano +63 /etc/tor/torrc --linenumbers
  • Comment or remove the btcpay hidden service in the torrc. Save and exit

# Hidden Service BTCPay Server
#HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_btcpay/
#HiddenServiceVersion 3
#HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
#HiddenServicePort 80
  • Reload the torrc config

sudo systemctl reload tor

Delete the PostgreSQL databases

  • With user admin delete the nbxplorer and btcpay databases

sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE nbxplorer;" && sudo -u postgres psql -c "DROP DATABASE btcpay;"

Port reference




PostgreSQL default port



NBXplorer default port



BTCPay Server default port

Last updated